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  • Jimmy Broccoli

The Red Time of the Year

The horned god - the ancient one - gallops deeper into the forest

His antlers charcoal black, his head held high and proud…

Above the darkness of the forest is a magnificent presentation of stars –

They beautifully litter an otherwise solely obsidian celestial landscape -

dripping delicate light, dancing with the gentle radiance of the moon –

The night allowing the luminescence to travel only so far into the shadows

The slithering King wears his royal crown of scales –

his tongue forked, his body moving stealthily through the grass…

The attentive owls watch from above and do not make a sound

The vultures observe the scene from the air and do not make a sound

The rodents scurry hurriedly towards their safe underground burrow…

as the Serpent King approaches

The Rabbit Lord – All Hail the Rabbit Lord!

His colony of rabbits drink in the moonlight

as they drunkenly dine on roots, flowers, and fallen fruit from the generous trees…

The midnight banquet continues

The Rabbit Lord sniffs the electric air with a nose keen, sharp and with knowledge

He will protect his herd…

The watchful owls watch from above and do not make a sound

The forest trees breathe in the nocturnal lightlessness

as they slumber until the dawn

The wind invisibly and gently caresses their strong trunks and limbs

As the night tucks them in, like a heavy blanket

Sleep well trees – the morn’ will bring with it much excitement

The horned god inhales the enchanting moonlight deeply and with knowledge …

as he gallops deeper into the forest


Then darkness begins to bleed softly into the gentle early morning first light –

The shadows becoming memories,

as they hesitantly retreat into the shade from whence they came –

awaiting their rebirth –

waiting for the horned god to bring with him the darkness

waiting for the piercing brightness of day to surrender to the demands of unavoidable night

The Red Time of the Year will soon be upon us…

The Red Time of the Year is coming…

The horned god – the ancient one – gallops deeper into the forest

to prepare

Photo: Jimmy Broccoli.

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