I didn't and don't want to be the lonely, overweight, and sad boy anymore...
so, I lost 34 pounds - my waist is now a 32 and I wear medium shirts –
I desperately wanted him to find me handsome –
strong enough
manly enough
normal enough
worthy – good enough
It’s amateur hour at the clown show and I’m mentally dressed appropriately –
I want to be better –
(canned laughter erupts throughout the unforgiving theatre) –
I am on the stage – the blinding spotlights shine light upon my insecurities and gawky demeanor and upon my imperfect complexion –
I am on the stage (stumbling) – small, unconfident, unsure, and shrinking
My hair is no longer of mixed color – it’s brown – dark brown
Youthful – and I’m moisturizing my face nightly –
I’m buying better tailored shirts and pants, so I look better in clothing –
perhaps he would be proud to walk by my side –
perhaps, holding my hand – proudly –
I want to be smart enough
slim enough
classy enough
handsome enough
I want to be worthy – good enough
My psychologist likes me – she tells me I’m a catch –
but I don’t (yet) know if I’m the prize-winning trophy-catch to brag about
- or if I am the fish victim another will haphazardly and thoughtlessly consume for dinner
Yeah, I know sometimes I can be awkward – sometimes socially –
Sometimes my confidence fumbles and stumbles –
and sometimes my laughter is unpolished and publicly clumsy –
and sometimes I don’t understand the happier and more positive words others use when they are speaking –
but I’m willing to learn their meanings –
I’m willing to learn…
I want to be sophisticated enough
successful enough
loving enough
cultured enough
I want to be worthy – good enough
It’s a break-up – a simple breakup (with him) –
a splitting, a disintegration – a termination
it feels little different than a funeral –
and I am unable to hide behind a casket or behind large arrangements of pretty flowers to hide my grief –
it’s grief. Someone doesn’t have to die -
they just have to leave (you)
I play with my dog for hours (as I do every day) –
He loves me as I am
Then, I’m at the local shopping mall and throw in a few coins into the food court fountain –
with my bumbling, fumbling, and apprehensive hands – I make a wish –
I want to be a better man (canned laughter erupts again- unforgiving and rude)
I want to be a man another could love
I want to be worthy – I want to be good enough
I want to be good enough for him – or good enough for someone like him -
and so far, …
I have failed
